Do you feel like you’re constantly in a power-struggle with your child? Do you feel out of control in your household and you’re looking for ways to get your power back as a parent?

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based program designed to teach introductory parenting strategies to provide a set of tools for parents to use to maintain healthy relationships with their children throughout their development. In particular, PCIT is the recommended treatment for children ages 2-7* displaying strong willed behaviors, such as:

  • Non-compliance

  • Aggression

  • Tantrums

  • Whining

  • Talking back to parents/adults

  • Fighting with siblings

  • Low self-esteem

  • Low frustration tolerance

  • Difficulties controlling anger

  • High levels of conflict with parents

  • Separation anxiety

  • Selective Mutism

  • Generalized anxiety

  • History of traumatic experiences

If your child is younger or older, please check with us, as there are adaptations for various age groups.

Parents who have children who have these struggles often experience the following things themselves:

  • Increased parenting stress

  • Decreased levels of patience and frustration tolerance

  • Lack of confidence in parenting abilities

  • Decreased feelings of attachment or connectedness with their children

  • Difficulty setting boundaries and limits consistently

  • Feeling lack of support and helplessness about how to improve their relationship with their children

  • Struggles to find ways to connect with all of their kids in a meaningful way

  • Finding themselves stuck in the parenting role and unable to find time for their own self-care

PCIT is an amazingly effective program for parents and children because therapists provide parents with the tools to enhance their relationships with their kids while promoting consistent and predictable structure, which kids need to thrive. Kids love PCIT because it is a fun way to connect with their parents while they are learning important skills to improve their lives at home!

PCIT is a program that has been researched and proven to be extremely effective via teletherapy, so it’s a great option during our current stay at home orders. The Learn & Burn doctors are both certified PCIT therapists and are currently accepting new PCIT clients to help parents learn new skills during this time. Click here to set up a consultation to see if PCIT is right for you.